Set during the Edo period, “Zan” follows the life a ronin, Mokunoshin Tsuzuki (Sosuke Ikematsu), and those around him. Mokunoshin Tsuzuki spends time in a village helping farmers there. To keep his sword skills sharp, he spars daily with a farmer’s son Ichisuke (Ryusei Maeda). His sister Yu (Yu Aoi) watches them. Meanwhile, the nation is about to undergo major unrest and potentially a civil war. A group of outlaw ronin led by Sezaemon Genda (Tatsuya Nakamura) enters the village.
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Nonton dapat duit? Cuma di KorekFilm21. Yuk cek DISINI
Killing (2018)
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Views:732 views
Quality: BLURAY
Year: 2018
Duration: 80 Min
Director:Shin’ya Tsukamoto