The blind swordsman, skilled in martial arts, named Cheng Xiazizi (played by Xie Miao), accidentally saves Zhang Xiaoyu (played by Yang Enyou), who has suffered from the destruction of his family. Under the persuasion of the orphan Xiaoyu, Cheng Xiazizi reluctantly keeps him by his side and teaches him skills. Xiaoyu also waits for the opportunity to seek revenge.
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Nonton dapat duit? Cuma di KorekFilm21. Yuk cek DISINI
Nonton dapat duit? Cuma di KorekFilm21. Yuk cek DISINI
Eye for an Eye 2 (2024)
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Views:20 views
Quality: WEBDL
Year: 2024
Duration: 90 Min
Director:Yang Bingjia