The film revolves around a local street-racer who partners with a rich and arrogant business associate, only to find himself framed by his colleague and sent to prison. After he gets out, he joins a New York-to-Los Angeles race to get revenge. But when the ex-partner learns of the scheme, he puts a massive bounty on the racer’s head, forcing him to run a cross-country gauntlet of illegal racers in all manner of supercharged vehicles.
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Nonton dapat duit? Cuma di KorekFilm21. Yuk cek DISINI
Need for Speed (2014)
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Tagline:For honor. For love. For redemption.
Quality: BLURAY
Year: 2014
Duration: 130 Min
Director:Anna Rane, Scott Waugh
Cast:Aaron Paul, Adora Dei, Alan Pflueger, Antoni Corone, Beth Waugh, Brent Fletcher, Brian L. Keaulana, Buddy Joe Hooker, Carmela Zumbado, Chad Randall, Charles Black, Chelsea Small, Chloe Warren, Dakota Johnson, Dominic Cooper, E. Roger Mitchell, Frank Brennan, Han Soto, Harrison Gilbertson, Imogen Poots, Jacki Hill, Jalil Jay Lynch, Jill Jane Clements, John Meier, Jr., Kanin Howell, Kerry Gatins, Libby Blanton, Logan Holladay, Michael C. Smith, Michael Keaton, Michael Rose, Mike Massa, Nick Chinlund, Paul Dallenbach, Rami Malek, Ramón Rodríguez, Rich Rutherford, Rick Shuster, Scott Mescudi, Sir Maejor, Stevie Ray Dallimore, Tara Jones, Thomas Rosales, Tierre Turner, Tim Gilbert, Tony Brakohiapa